Results for 'Ivan Fedorovich Vinnichenko'

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  1. Tvorchestvo pobezhdaet.Ivan Fedorovich Vinnichenko - 1962
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  2. Partiĭnostʹ iskusstva i sot︠s︡ialisticheskiĭ realizm.Ivan Fedorovich Volkov - 1974 - Moskva: Iskusstvo.
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  3. Prekrasnoe v cheloveke.Ivan Fedorovich Smolʹi︠a︡ninov - 1962
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  4. Indoctrination and education.Ivan Snook - 1972 - Boston,: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    Introduction 'Indoctrination' belongs to a family of concepts which includes ' teaching', 'education', 'instruction', and 'learning'. ...
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    Adjusting the model to adjust the world: constructive mechanisms in postwar general equilibrium theory.Ivan Boldyrev & Alexey Ushakov - 2016 - Journal of Economic Methodology 23 (1):38-56.
    Economic methodologists most often study the relations between models and reality while focusing on the issues of the model's epistemic relevance in terms of its relation to the ‘real world’ and representing the real world in a model. We complement the discussion by bringing the model's constructive mechanisms or self-implementing technologies in play. By this, we mean the elements of the economic model that are aimed at ‘implementing’ it by envisaging the ways to change the reality in order to bring (...)
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    Diagnostic formulations in psychotherapy.Ivan Leudar, Rebecca Barnes & Charles Antaki - 2005 - Discourse Studies 7 (6):627-647.
    Conversation analysts have noted that, in psychotherapy, formulations of the client's talk can be a vehicle for offering a psychological interpretation of the client's circumstances. But we notice that not all formulations in psychotherapy offer interpretations. We offer an analysis of formulations that are diagnostic: that is, used by the professional to sharpen, clarify or refine the client's account and make it better able to provide what the professional needs to know about the client's history and symptoms. In doing so, (...)
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    Power and Powerlessness of Kant’s Third Critique: Reflections on Ukrainian Translation.Ivan Ivashchenko - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (2):72-86.
    This paper examines the first complete Ukrainian translation of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment (2022). I discuss the consistency of the Ukrainian translator’s decisions in rendering Kant’s terminology in Ukrainian and assess the accuracy of the translation of Kant’s extremely complicated and nuanced syntax. Based on this assessment, I concluded that this translation provides a strong argument in favor of the idea that translations of classical texts of such complexity will not meet academic standards without scholarly editing. (...)
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    The integration problem for naive realism.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (5):697-716.
    This paper makes explicit the basic problem perfect hallucinations pose for perceptual naive realists, more fundamental than the well‐trodden Screening‐off Problem. The deeper problem offers the basis for an overarching classification of the available naive‐ realist‐friendly approaches to perfect hallucinations. In the course of laying out the challenges to the different types of response, the paper makes a case for the superiority of a particular approach to perfect hallucinations, on which they would be understood as a special kind of perceptual (...)
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    Do Subaltern Artifacts Belong in Art Museums?Ivan Gaskell, A. W. Eaton, James O. Young & Conrad Brunk - 2009 - In James O. Young & Conrad G. Brunk, The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 235–267.
    This chapter contains sections titled: 1 2 3 4 5 6.
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  10. The Oxford Handbook of History and Material Culture.Ivan Gaskell & Sarah Anne Carter (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
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    Constructing dystopian experience: A Neurath-Cartwrightian approach to the philosophy of social technology.Ivan Ferreira da Cunha - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 72:41-48.
  12.  51
    Epistemicism and response-dependence.Ivan Hu - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9109-9131.
    Epistemicists claim that if it is vague whether p, it is unknowable whether p. Some contest this on epistemic grounds: vague intuitions about vague matters need not fully preclude knowledge, if those intuitions are response-dependent in some special sense of enabling vague knowledge. This paper defends the epistemicist principle that vagueness entails ignorance against such objections. I argue that not only is response-dependence an implausible characterization of actual vague matters, its mere possibility poses no threat to epistemicism and is properly (...)
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    Behavioural and heuristic models are as-if models too – and that’s ok.Ivan Moscati - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (2):279-309.
    I examine some behavioural and heuristic models of individual decision-making and argue that the diverse psychological mechanisms these models posit are too demanding to be implemented, either consciously or unconsciously, by actual decision makers. Accordingly, and contrary to what their advocates typically claim, behavioural and heuristic models are best understood as ‘as-if’ models. I then sketch a version of scientific antirealism that justifies the practice of as-if modelling in decision theory but goes beyond traditional instrumentalism. Finally, I relate my account (...)
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    In the mirror of the past: lectures and addresses, 1978-1990.Ivan Illich - 1991 - New York: M. Boyars.
    During the 1980s Illich added another dimension to his thought through the study of Medieval history. In the current volume he aims to demonstrate the extent to which the groundwork for the institutions that characterize our world today was laid in the twelfth century.
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    Intrinsically Hyperarithmetical Sets.Ivan N. Soskov - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):469-480.
    The main result proved in the paper is that on every recursive structure the intrinsically hyperarithmetical sets coincide with the relatively intrinsically hyperarithmetical sets. As a side effect of the proof an effective version of the Kueker's theorem on definability by means of infinitary formulas is obtained.
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  16. Pains and sounds.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (9-10):143-163.
    I argue that an analogy between pains and sounds suggests a way to give an objective account of pain which fits well with a naïve perceptualist account of feeling pain. According to the proposed metaphysical account, pains are relational physical events with shared qualitative nature, each of which is constituted by tissue damage and the activation of nociceptors. I proceed to show that the metaphysical proposal is compatible with platitudes about pains being animate, private, and self-intimating states.
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  17. Epistemicism, paradox, and conditional obligation.Ivan Hu - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (8):2123-2139.
    Stewart Shapiro has objected to the epistemicist theory of vagueness on grounds that it gives counterintuitive predictions about cases involving conditional obligation. This paper details a response on the epistemicist’s behalf. I first argue that Shapiro’s own presentation of the objection is unsuccessful as an argument against epistemicism. I then reconstruct and offer two alternative arguments inspired by Shapiro’s considerations, and argue that these fail too, given the information-sensitive nature of conditional obligations.
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    Balanced Organizational Values: From Theory to Practice.Ivan Malbašić, Carlos Rey & Vojko Potočan - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (2):437-446.
    Theories of organization and management have offered several concepts and models which indicate that organizational values are an important factor for running organizations successfully. A still unexplained question concerns the creation of balanced organizational values, which can support the achievement of several different and even conflicting goals of modern organizations. To explore balanced organizational values in contemporary business practice, we tested different models of organizational values on a sample of Fortune 100 companies. Research results demonstrate that none of the proportions/ratios (...)
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    Nietzsche Disempowered: Reading the Will to Power out of Nietzsche's Philosophy.Ivan Soll - 2015 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 46 (3):425-450.
    ABSTRACT In this article I confront and criticize the widespread tendency to ignore, marginalize, or dismiss without serious consideration Nietzsche's psychological hypothesis that a “will to power” is the major motivator of human behavior. I begin by separating Nietzsche's psychological hypothesis from both his occasional cosmological extension of it into an account of all processes in the world and from his power-based theory of value. And I argue that, since the psychological thesis does not depend on the cosmological extension, is (...)
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  20. Pessimism and the Tragic View of Life.Ivan Soll - 1988 - In Robert C. Solomon, Reading Nietzsche. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 104--31.
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    The three waves of New Class theories.Ivan Szelenyi & Bill Martin - 1988 - Theory and Society 17 (5):645-667.
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    The cultures of mathematical economics in the postwar Soviet Union: More than a method, less than a discipline.Ivan Boldyrev & Olessia Kirtchik - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 63:1-10.
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    Retrieval-Induced Forgetting in the Feigning Amnesia for a Crime Paradigm.Ivan Mangiulli, Kim van Oorsouw, Antonietta Curci & Marko Jelicic - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    An introduction to Hegel's metaphysics.Ivan Soll - 1969 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press.
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    Intension, extension, and the model of belief and knowledge in economics.Ivan Moscati - 2012 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 5 (2):1.
    This paper investigates a limitation of the model of belief and knowledge prevailing in mainstream economics, namely the state-space model. Because of its set-theoretic nature, this model has difficulties in capturing the difference between expressions that designate the same object but have different meanings, i.e., expressions with the same extension but different intensions. This limitation generates puzzling results concerning what individuals believe or know about the world as well as what individuals believe or know about what other individuals believe or (...)
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    Sensing mind-independence.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14931-14949.
    I propose that the fundamental challenge Berkeley left realists is to account for experiences’ ability to present items as mind-independent, consistent with the claim that experiences always present themselves among the items of awareness. By exploring two ways of responding to this challenge, and ruling out the second, I hope to show that realists aiming to secure a role for experiences in grounding our grasp of mind-independence need to adopt a specific view of perceptual experience. They must take experiences to (...)
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    Ethical judgments in museums.Ivan Gaskell - 2008 - In Garry Hagberg, Art and Ethical Criticism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 229--242.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Respecting Sacred Objects: Some Difficulties Alternative Grounds for Respect: The Historical and Aesthetic Properties of an Object.
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  28. ‘Vague’ at Higher Orders.Ivan Hu - 2017 - Mind 126 (504):1189-1216.
    Sorensen has argued that one can exploit the vagueness of an ordinary predicate like ‘small’ to induce a sort of vagueness in ‘vague’, by constructing a series of predicates of the form ‘n-small’, where x is n- small if and only if x is small or x n. The resulting ‘Sorensen’ed’ predicates present a Sorites case for ‘vague’ ; hence the vagueness of ‘vague’. Hyde argues that this demonstrates that all vague predicates are higher-order vague. Others doubt whether Sorensen’s series (...)
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  29. Programming the USSR: Leonid V. Kantorovich in context.Ivan Boldyrev & Till Düppe - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Science 53 (2):255-278.
    In the wake of Stalin's death, many Soviet scientists saw the opportunity to promote their methods as tools for the engineering of economic prosperity in the socialist state. The mathematician Leonid Kantorovich (1912–1986) was a key activist in academic politics that led to the increasing acceptance of what emerged as a new scientific persona in the Soviet Union. Rather than thinking of his work in terms of success or failure, we propose to see his career as exemplifying a distinct form (...)
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    The Prospects and Limits of the East European New Class Project: An Auto-critical Reflection on The Intellectuals on the Road to Class Power.Ivan Szelenyi - 1987 - Politics and Society 15 (2):103-144.
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    On (im)permeabilities.Ivan Boldyrev & Olessia Kirtchik - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (4-5):3-12.
    While the history of Cold War social and human sciences has become an immensely productive line of inquiry and has generated some exciting research, a lot remains still to be done in studying more deeply the known stories, venturing into the unknown ones and, in particular, looking in greater detail at the Soviet side of the Iron Curtain. In our expository introduction to this special issue, we demonstrate how its articles enhance our understanding of the postwar social and human sciences. (...)
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    Systematic Interpretation and the Re-systematization of Law: The Problem, Co-requisites, a Solution, Use.Ivan L. Padjen - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (1):189-213.
    A renewed search for legal certainty is a reaction to the preponderance of judge made law, which has been in turn prompted by the democratic deficit of the EU and the impact of Anglo-American law. The problem is that the search is oblivious to both systematic interpretation and the need of re-systematization of law. The paper defines systematic interpretation, relates the definition to standard French and German conceptions, indicates the room for systematic interpretation in Anglo-American laws, and states prima facie (...)
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    Circulation or reproduction pf elites during the postcommunist transformation of Eastern Europe.Iván Szelényi & Szonja Szelényi - 1995 - Theory and Society 24 (5):615-638.
  34. How to tell essence.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (2):147-168.
    How could perceptual experiences reveal matters of essentiality? Answering this question is crucial for vindicating a thesis about the epistemic import of experience, commonly known as Revelation. The thesis comes in a weak and a strong version. Only on the strong one could it make up an authoritative piece of common sense. But this version also seems to demand too much of our experiences, namely that they can reveal essentiality. However, the impression that our experiences are not suited for this (...)
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  35. Self-Love in Logic-Based Therapy.Ivan Guajardo - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 7 (1):61-78.
    The phenomenon of self-love elicits conflicting reactions. Some believe it is the key to happiness, while others are skeptical. This essay defines self-love as wholehearted concern for one's well-being, argues that it does not imply selfishness, arrogance, or vanity, discusses reasons to value self-love, and describes ways Logic-Based Therapy can be used to help people love themselves.
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    Perceptual metaphysics: the case for composites.Ivan V. Ivanov & Arthur Schipper - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations:1-17.
    In this paper, we propose an account of how perceptual evidence might allow us to draw justified conclusions about the existence of composite objects. We call the thesis at issue PERCEPTUAL ADEQUACY, and argue that a specific, naïve realist picture of the phenomenal character of perception provides us with a straightforward way to defend it. The claim that we have empirical evidence for the existence of macroscopic composites cannot be propped up merely by the plausible claim, granted by many, that (...)
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  37. Envy in Logic-Based Therapy.Ivan Guajardo - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 8 (1):138-154.
    Contemporary research offers a more compelling account on the complex emotion of envy than the traditional view of envy as simply something bad. This essay explains how Logic-Based Therapy can use this account to coach individuals struggling with negative species of envy. Given that jealousy and envy are often equated, the essay differentiates the two; explains the conditions that make the four species of envy possible; identifies cardinal fallacies associated with negative species of envy; proposes counteractive virtues, and describes ways (...)
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    Beyond Newton: Why assumptions of universality are critical to cognitive science, and how to finally move past them.Ivan Kroupin, Helen E. Davis & Joseph Henrich - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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    Perceptual metaphysics: the case for composites.Ivan V. Ivanov & Arthur Schipper - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations:1-17.
    In this paper, we propose an account of how perceptual evidence might allow us to draw justified conclusions about the existence of composite objects. We call the thesis at issue PERCEPTUAL ADEQUACY, and argue that a specific, naïve realist picture of the phenomenal character of perception provides us with a straightforward way to defend it. The claim that we have empirical evidence for the existence of macroscopic composites cannot be propped up merely by the plausible claim, granted by many, that (...)
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    The Ontology of Uncertainty in Finance: The Normative Legacy of General Equilibrium.Ivan Boldyrev - 2019 - Topoi 40 (4):725-731.
    This paper considers in detail the ontological and normative presuppositions of the state-contingent approach to pricing commodities first introduced by Arrow in his model of general equilibrium under uncertainty, which became a milestone in the theory of finance. By contextualizing Arrow’s fundamental contribution and subsequent developments in finance, it demonstrates how this new conceptual framework implied certain technologies—both intellectual and financial. In showing how theoretical thinking about finance was underlying institutional developments in finance, this paper complements the familiar narrative of (...)
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    The Political Uses of Natural Death.Ivan Illich - 1974 - The Hastings Center Studies 2 (1):3.
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    Philosophy ... Artifacts ... Friendship-: -and the History of the Gaze.Ivan Illich - 1996 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 70:59-77.
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    Anotaciones Sobre Una Posible Fundamentación de la Ética En Ser y Tiempo de Martin Heidegger.Ivan Alexander Muñoz - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 31:99-108.
    Los intentos de descubrir una ética o un fundamento de ésta en Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger son la mayoría de veces infructuosos debido al poco espacio que Heidegger le dedica al tema del “otro“ en su parte “positiva“, lo que le ha valido a éste no pocos reproches. Quienes vislumbran aquí una ética se podrían agrupar en tres: Los que ven una ética negativa (al modo de la teología negativa), los que centran su exposición en el concepto de (...)
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    Le regole del gioco. Perché la realtà sociale non è un sistema normativo.Ivan Mosca - 2010 - Rivista di Estetica 43:247-266.
    Why the social ontology uses the game as paradigmatic example of social object? Is social reality a game? In this short essay, shared characteristics and differences of ludic and social acts are explored to explode the myth of the normative structure of social reality. In order to explain and demonstrate their theories, major authors of our research sector as Searle and Smith appeal to ludic phenomenons as unmistakable evidences of regulated social activities. Nevertheless well valued theorists don’t recognize that there (...)
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  45. Middle Age: Setiya’s Philosophical Reflections.Ivan William Kelly - 2018 - Open Journal of Philosophy 8 (4):343-354.
    Philosophers often focus on topics such as death and old age, and much less on other stages of life. The British-American philosopher Kienan Setiya (2017) has recently taken on the topic of middle age from a philosophical perspective and offered suggestions for dealing with the angst often associated with mid-age. His suggestions are based on both his own experiences and practical thoughts based on his readings of other philosophers during their mid-life periods. My own contribution is to describe his thoughts (...)
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    Kernel functions for case-based planning.Ivan Serina - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (16-17):1369-1406.
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    Dôstojnosť, smrť a roboty alebo ohrozujú smrtiace autonómne zbraňové systémy ľudskú dôstojnosť?Ivan Koniar - 2024 - Filosoficky Casopis 72 (2):295-313.
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    A core ontology for requirements.Ivan J. Jureta, John Mylopoulos & Stéphane Faulkner - 2009 - Applied ontology 4 (3-4):169-244.
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    Applying the Morphogenetic Approach: Outcomes and Issues from a Case Study of Information Systems Development and Organisational Change in British Local Government.Ivan Horrocks - 2009 - Journal of Critical Realism 8 (1):35-62.
    With its emphasis on analytical dualism and its detailed account of the concepts and methods necessary for its application, Margaret Archer's morphogenetic approach seems to provide significant potential for empirical research. Over a decade after its publication, however, the potential of the approach remains largely unrealised. This paper seeks to begin to address this situation by reporting on and assessing the application of the morphogenetic approach to a longitudinal case study of information systems development and organisational change in British local (...)
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  50. Croatian Philosophers IV: Matija Vlacic Ilirik – Mathias Flacius Illyricus (1520–1575).Ivan Kordic - 2005 - Prolegomena 4 (2):219-233.
    Matija Vlačić Ilirik was one of the pillars of Luther’s Reformation. In a special way, he dedicated himself to one of its most important issues – the understanding of the Scriptures, and can, therefore, be considered a significant instigator of the founding of modern hermeneutics. As an excellent connoisseur of classical languages (Hebrew, Greek and Latin) he recognized the importance and dealt with many issues of language, grammar, logic, and dialectic, as essential prerequisites for understanding everything which exists, and hence (...)
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